Why acupuncture to the people?
“Good health is the foundation of vibrant lives, thriving communities, and forward progress.”
Acupuncture to the People was created to expose acupuncture to a wider audience so that more and more people can finally experience the multitude of benefits of this remarkable medicine in a holistic, cost-effective, and easily accessible way.
When you come through the door, you’ll get to experience an atmosphere of safety and trust in which you can find relief from physical and mental distress, gain insight and awareness, and find the right resources to help you achieve your goal. My approach to treatment is anchored in a deep understanding not just of your symptoms but also the behavioral and psychological changes that may have contributed to them. While I treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, my areas of expertise include treating musculoskeletal pain and stress. Going beyond the mere treatment, you and I will also plan together how to improve your overall physical, mental, and emotional health.